Tuesday, 30 June 2009

It's Hello Dolly. And I think I can hear Lionel Blair rehearsing It Takes A Woman. Pity me.
Trying to get as much done as I can before the bloody singing starts
Scott Adams flirting with VRM: http://ping.fm/2lS7E

Monday, 29 June 2009

Twitter to the rescue of Geoff Marshall http://bit.ly/helpgeoff (not suggesting you donate unless you want to - just interesting)
New blog post: Cycling and infertility http://ping.fm/Q4UtW
Treating show people to "Come to Daddy" at full volume http://ping.fm/VGVRY
Back from lunch. They are still rehearsing the *same* *song*
Opera rehearsals have finished in studio next door. Now we have show tunes. Worse, they're doing the "happy" songs today.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Before anybody else says it: the gas company "with attitude": http://ping.fm/qJYMh
I do think Gazprom might have thought about the name a bit more carefully: http://ping.fm/yd1ox (or maybe they did)

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Behind these gates is Ye Olde Mitre: http://ping.fm/KOlNV Come on down
Going for drinks with @mlazopoulou and other friends of long standing.
Just tried addressing my wife as "shawty". Note to self: don't do that again.
From now on I shall turn to @phildawes when I want the word on the streets.
Have learned a new word thanks to @phildawes: shawty

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

If I haven't got you into Auto-Tune The News yet it's probably too late: http://ping.fm/rpF0f Sade.
coffee = 3 bottles of wine
Does anybody have a contact at HSBC Global Banking & Markets?
Finally did the obvious thing and added XInclude to ajaxUnit so you can componentize your test scripts http://ping.fm/XehfA

Friday, 19 June 2009

Belatedly building up unit tests for ezUser: 279 tests successfully passed so far.
Some design decisions really benefit from a toilet visit. There, I've said it. oversharing

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Think extra feature was worth it - now I can secure HTML pages over HTTP fairly robustly using ezUser
Should be testing and debugging ezUser, but found myself adding a feature whyohwhy

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Excellent article on the hypocrisy of outing NightJack http://ping.fm/4rNBO (via @Glinner)

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Yet another reason to boycott The Times. They claim this is a victory for freedom of expression: http://ping.fm/UPtK2
is a physical wreck
Installed Adobe Reader update. It reassociated PDFs back to itself and restored the desktop icon I had deleted. Rude. Bye bye Adobe Reader

Friday, 12 June 2009

Lendl Simmons is a good foot shorter than his uncle cricket
Crowd making this a home game for India cricket
That's four national anthems I've never heard before. Not sure how W Indies qualify for a national anthem. cricket
W Indies winning the music competition because of one genius. Hope it translates to the cricket
Bob Marley and bangla alternating on the sound system. 1970s vs 1990s.
Biggest cheer of the day for Dhoni winning the toss cricket
Pearl-and-Dean style adverts blasting out from the big screens.
Oh, it's the groundstaff wearing orange hi-vis vests. Not the Dutch players cricket
The Dutch players are being made to sweep the ticket. What a comedown for them cricket
My goodness Mends bowls it flat
Pakistan and Sri Lanka standing in one intermingled group for the anthems cricket
Google Latitude showing me in the Tavern Stand. Nowhere else I'd rather be
My train is full of suitcases. Where is everybody going?
Decided to go to watch some cricket at Lords. Will be supporting underdogs West Indies and Pakistan (sorry, @jobsworth!)
is at Lords

Thursday, 11 June 2009

One of my email validation articles has been Reddited. A small flame war has started in various quarters.
Good morning tube strike cyclists! How are we today? A bit sore? Bet you got to work quicker than you normally do. tubestrike
My innerHTML bug seems to affect all browsers - WTF? Maybe I am wrong. http://ping.fm/RyAgL

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Just encountered a Firefox bug that's been known about for at least 2 years: http://ping.fm/dLvNJ
Hello to everybody on their first bike ride of the year! How about cycling every day? tubestrike

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

I've got pictures to publish, movie clips of the kids to send to grandparents. 1.6Mb/s upstream doesn't work for me.
When will I be able to get a symmetric broadband service? Say 4Mb/s each way.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Michael Vaughan: Andy Flower needs a batting coach. Retire with dignity.
IE8 rejects scripts of type application/javascript because RFC4329 is merely informational. thenightmarecontinues http://ping.fm/3PqZQ
"Once you're in the clear, Mary Mary Quite Contrary" - Katie Couric http://bit.ly/1abFYN
What is Katie Couric on? Also return of the Angry Gorilla. Auto-Tune The News http://bit.ly/1abFYN (takes about 1:30 to get going)
I've always wanted to see Yorkshire as a Trending Topic, but kind of hoped it would be for winning the County Championship

Saturday, 6 June 2009

All done. Cakes out of the oven, bread in, chilli bubbling away. Time to wake son #2 up.
Willie Carson's grandson is riding in a race this afternoon. Willie Carson's *grandson*. Crikey.
Cooking carrot cake, bread and a chilli for later. Glued to a feast of sport of the radio.

Friday, 5 June 2009

I'm now sick of both
Which is better? Custard Creams or Fox's Golden Crunch Creams? I'm eating a whole packet of each alternately to find out. Results later.
Australia's failure to manage Andrew Symonds does them no credit whiteaustralia
Google Chrome is here for us Mactards: http://ping.fm/SUzNR

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Opera rehearsals in neighbouring studio have been going on for 2 weeks. Ready to strangle Puccini. Fat lady is now singing though.
RIAA denies ever asking for last.fm data - another amazonfail twitterstorminateacup? http://ping.fm/REqO6 (@Glinner)

Monday, 1 June 2009

Still making up my mind about the Cricinfo redesign but the typography is fugly. Makes it hard to be objective http://www.cricinfo.com
FireEagle still thinks I'm in Spitalfields, Co Durham. Can only mean BrightKite is using location *name* to update it. Why?? brightkitefail
Almighty props to @serafinowicz for exposing Time's lazy journalism. Didn't Time used to be a decent mag? http://bit.ly/bahM1 (tx @Glinner)